What Would Your Students Project On Their School?

Monday, March 9, 2009

Things Technology Will Never Substitute List

There are just some things that technology will never substitute for the real thing:

(in random order)

-clapping the chalk out of erasers at the end of the school day
-a high five for a job well-done
-walking on the floors of Independence Hall
-almost popping a balloon
-the grasp of my daughter's hand
-the arrival anticipation of a friend's new child
-the moment between graduation and reality

1 comment:

hannahl said...

A few of my own

-The mysteries of an unopened chest
-An unending circle of children's bent knees
-The unique dance of a teacher to his favorite Queen song
-A day in the life of a beatnik
-Meeting Kind Ferdinand
-The honesty of a kind word of feedback on a toiled over assignment
-Smiling at the pink ribbon, even though the girl next to you got a blue one
-Popsicles smeared by near-summer sprinklers on a forbidden hill
-Jungle Gyms
-Teather ball
-A book of autographs
-Fifth grade