What Would Your Students Project On Their School?

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Literacy Goals: Response to "Goals"

Original post that inspired my response located here.

I use reading to transport myself/my children/my students into other character's lives and their worlds.

I like to imagine what it would be like if I had the Chocolate Touch or discovered a golden ticket to Wonka's candy factory!

I can relate to some characters like Tom Sawyer/Huck Finn, young Abe Lincoln, and Calvin/Hobbes kind of in the same way that I can relate to my real-life friends. They make me snicker out loud and shake my head with their shenanigans.

I use writing to communicate my thoughts and opinions to others. Some of my friends/people that I look up to as role models like to read poetry, maybe wiki/blog comments, others e-mail, so I think about what the best way is to communicate my ideas with my audience.

Goals for Reading:
-Ask friends/role models for their suggestions
-Pass along my suggestions for good books to anyone who is interested
-Use reading as a tool to become an effective teacher, supportive/nurturing parent and keep my curiosity going

Goals for Writing:
-Share my ideas/interests/strengths with others to make a positive change in the world
-Demonstrate to my children and classroom students that I am a writer who struggles with what to write but also feels good when my message/voice is out there for other people to read

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