What Would Your Students Project On Their School?

Friday, November 20, 2009

Three Leads

Draft of a Setting Lead:
The snow carpeted the barren hill and muffled the sound of cars crawling along the icy road. Kids stared longingly through frosted windows at the slope, pleading with their parents to take them to the Sledding Hill.

Draft of a Dialogue Lead:
"You're not taking him on the Sledding Hill, are you?" my wife asked, hands on her hips and leaning over the porch.
"Yeah! He can handle it!"
Jedi II wrestled the three-person inflatable sled into the back of the pickup truck, and jumped into the booster seat.

Draft of an Action Lead:
We both jumped onto the sled together at the same time. The sled took off down the hill like a moon rocket. A puff of powdered snow billowed up into my face, blinding me long enough to almost run over a teenager trudging up the hill with his plastic toboggan.

1 comment:

Kayleympacer said...

Mr. Reiner. I love your leads. mayby you can read some of my stories at www.crazyfoxgirl.blogspot.com. This was Kayleympacer.