What Would Your Students Project On Their School?

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Boys of Summer

I've had many requests for guy stuff that people can do over the summer to keep their boys occupied, so here is our list (as of today):

-Webelos activities
-Read Ultra-Gross! blog (from Bart King; author of The Big Book of Boy Stuff)
-View constellations on either projector or Google Sky
-Read stories about two constellations per week (accompanied by streaming Pandora's Nakai music channel)
-Read one (pre-censored) Guys Write For Guys Read story
-Take one trip to GameStop for a pre-used video game (two player sports or flight game)
-Arrange overnight with two buddies
-Calculate mileage for full day bike trip
-Take bike to Skate Park (with buddy), then ride through fountain on the way back.
-Root for the Celtics with a mug of ice cold A&W Root Beer
-Coordinate pick-up baseball game at school field (Aug.)
-Launch AlkaSeltzer Rocket
-Examine sunburn peelings/scabs/splinters with tv-connected microscope
-Eat charred hotdogs with too much ketchup outside
-Water balloons
-Race each other outside each time the visiting Super Fortress or other warbird, flies overhead
-Watch lumberjacking on TV
-Make special-recipe pancakes (using leftover sprinkles and other cookie decorations)
-Catch an insect (either grasshopper, butterfly or moth) and present it to mother/grandma/nana

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